UMBB Student Digital Library

On this site you will find all the references you need in your studies plan at the University of Boumerdes

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Meet our Principals

Learning is an active process

To the Progressivists, learning is an active process, in which the learner himself is definitely involved. The learner reacts as a whole and in a unified way. This means that all the various parts of the behaving organism cooperate, part by part, to serve the needs of the organism.

Help students set challenging goals

Focus on students strengths, progress, and the process of learning. Notice the small steps students take toward achieving their personal best. In todays test crazed school environment, it takes conviction and perseverance to maintain a growth mindset. We all have goals that we strive to achieve.

Give students positive reinforcement

When thinking about positive reinforcement in teaching and education, the overarching purpose is to provide an incentive for students to repeat desired behaviors. In other words, by providing students with positive  outcome when they accomplish achievements or display certain behaviors, students are encouraged to do so again.

Work individually with students

Working individually means completing projects, tasks and assignments without the consistent assistance of any coworkers or managers. Some people prefer to work independently, while others prefer to work with others. Besides personal preference, there are jobs that tend to be more independent than others.

Helping each student find and follow their best learning path.

UMBB Student Digital Library

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Computer architecture


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